Read my articles about the latest developments in the field of technology, future studies, and human enhancement.
Futures Research and Strategic Foresight provides many insights for your organization or business. In this article I walk you through all the steps of the 5A model: from getting started, ...
Peter Joosten MSc
March 3, 2025
What are the most relevant and exciting trends for 2025? In this article, I discuss my fascination with technological developments, such as artificial intelligence But not only technology is relevant. ...
Peter Joosten MSc
December 10, 2024
What are foresight driven organizations? How are they organized, how do they handle innovation, leadership & culture? As a business expert, futures researcher and innovation scientist, I share my insights ...
Peter Joosten MSc
April 8, 2024
Wow! The year 2021 is almost over. I don't know about you, but with the pandemic, the year feels like a blur. Sometimes I think: 'Did the pandemic start this ...
Peter Joosten MSc
December 23, 2021
What is Neuralink? Neuralink explained: chip, experiments in pig Gertrude and monkey. How Neuralink works & vision of Elon Musk (cyborgs). Elon Musk Neuralink Halfway 2017 Elon Musk came in ...
Peter Joosten MSc
October 8, 2019
Technology ethics. What is that? What kind of ethical dilemmas does technology bring about? How does technology influence our morals? What are some examples of this, what impact does it ...
Peter Joosten MSc
August 6, 2018
Human Enhancement
Cyborg. What are Cyborgs? Definition, meaning, philosophy (with Cyborg Manifesto), movies (my top 5!), companies & 8 examples of cyborgs. What is a cyborg? What is a cyborg? The word ...
Peter Joosten MSc
August 2, 2021
Human Augmentation. Definition, 4 examples & impact. What is human augmentation? What are examples and techniques of human augmentation? What is human augmentation? Human augmentation focuses on cognitive and physical ...
Peter Joosten MSc
January 11, 2021
Human Enhancement Research, Scientists & Journals. What are the best articles, journals (3x) and meetings (9x) on human enhancement science? This article dives into human enhancement as a field of ...
Peter Joosten MSc
May 29, 2020